Sunday, April 19, 2009

Englot Qualifies For Olympic Pre-Trials

The results of the Canadian Curling Association's Olympic Qualification Process are finally in, and for fans and friends of the Englot team, the news is very good!

Team Englot -- and 11 other teams -- have qualified for the pre-trials event to be held in Prince George in November, at which they will have an opportunity to qualify for the Olympic Trials, which will be held in Edmonton in December.

Four teams -- skipped by Jennifer Jones, Shannon Kleibrink, Cheryl Bernard and Stefanie Lawton -- have already qualified for the Trials and will bypass the pre-trials event.

They will be joined in Edmonton by the top four finishers from the pre-trials field, which will include: Kelly Scott, Sherry Middaugh, Marie-France Larouche, Heather Rankin, Rachel Homan, Crystal Webster, Cathy King, Krista McCarville, Amber Holland, Sherry Anderson, Eve BĂ©lisle and -- hooray! -- Michelle Englot.

Congratulations once again to Michelle and her teammates: third Deanna Doig, second Roberta Materi, and lead Cindy Simmons.

To them, to their families and friends, and to everyone else whose summer holiday just got a little bit sunnier: Cheers!

We'll see you all again in the fall...

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